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Showing posts from 2012

Snowy Night In New York City

What a evening this would've been for the photographer. Just beautiful :-)

A Tree In Different Seasons

Natural Beauty or Beautiful Photography?

The Email Marketing Process - Visual Guide

The Email Marketing Process - A Beautiful Visual Guide - Infographic

Content Media Marketing Matrix For Small Businesses

Content Media Marketing Matrix For Small Businesses

Say Good Or Say Nothing At All

Of all the crimes you can commit and actually get arrested for them, this is by far the easiest way to get arrested in India. Say something good or don't say anything at all is the new mantra to avoid some jail time. Freedom of speech? Not for the aam aadmi anymore. You can only air your voice if you are a politician or probably a Batman in which case the cops can't arrest you. P.S. Three different cases have been heard in just two week where people have been arrested for posting something on Facebook, Tweeting something or just liking a post on Facebook. Good going India.


This is exactly how it works TODAY.

Says it all
