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Get The Blank Slate Back

How differently would you live if you knew you wouldn't fail? Its not hard for me to imagine how different would I myself live if I knew I would never fail. We all start with a blank slate, but we forget to wipe the slate clean every once in a while. As kids, we never ever thought of failing. Maybe that's why learning new things was easy. Growing up should've been a good thing always, you get to live your life in your own way; go different places, buy the things you like, earn and spend money the way you want to. Where have we reached? I remember many people including myself, who have said atleast once that being a kid was maybe the best thing that happened to me.  Maybe it's time to wipe the slate clean and live a full and happy life. Time to make priorities. Give time to your people, take a vacation every once in a while, gift something to your loved ones, work hard-play harder, avoid facebook-whatsapp and go meet your friends; atleast call them, talk to people,
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